Discusión General

Iniciar un tema, responder a los comentarios y tener una discusión general con otros participantes.
Mr. James Manda

share me zoom link , am yet to attend presentation,

0 Replies 0 Loves Oct 20, 2021 01:50 PM
Dr. Sharon Mutamuko Moderator When you go to program schedule, the times shown on the home page are in South Africa Standard Times (SAST). Please click on the specific session to view the time in your specific timezone. We encourage you to add sessions you are interested in to your calendar, so that you do not miss it (it will automatically be added to the calendar in your specific time zone)
0 Replies 2 Loves Sep 10, 2020 07:55 PM
Dr. Sharon Mutamuko Moderator So sad that we could not meet in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe this year.
1 Reply 2 Loves Sep 03, 2020 10:13 PM
Dr. Alexandre Gagnon

yes, this is unfortunate I would have liked to attend in person as well, which was difficult due to Covid quarantine, etc. on my return

0 Loves Oct 20, 2021 08:26 AM